Exjum H36

Exjum® H36 is a modern and effective concentrated chemical compound for cold chemical sterilization in hospital settings, completely water-soluble. It destroys all pathogen micro-organisms without damaging constituent or connecting elements of the treated device (such as fittings, mastics, welds, etc.).

  • It does not modify the chemical and physical properties of materials and leaves the surface of the treated device totally clean, without any residual or captured chemical element.
  • It is specifically tested on devices contain Optical Fiber, also on last generation ones made in plastic materials. It can be used both for Endoscope Washing Machines and for trays.
  • It contains no Peroxide. Therefore, it is ideal for the cold chemical sterilization of the most expensive and sensitive devices.
  • It is stable for 36 months in its unopened and correctly stored pack.
  • It is effective for 36 hours

Dilute it with demineralized water or tap water.


100 ml

Request information for this product

Fis Industry

Str. di Sabbione
Phone +39 0744 455503
Fax. +39 0744 455504

email: info@fisindustry.it
administrative email: amministrazione@fisindustry.it
technical office email: dir.tech@fisindustry.it


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