We at FIS & DM SRL share a commitment to ensure the highest level of integrity in the performance of the business and attention to the principles of respect for the social and environmental. The integrity and ethics that everyone has always placed in their work characterizes the way we operate. Working with a strong sense of integrity is critical to maintaining our credibility and the trust of our customers, partners, employees and to the community served by the company. Creating an environment of transparency in the conduct of the activity is a top priority for all of us, and in this environment we must constantly observe the principles of sustainability to ensure our business. The Code of Business Ethics is our promise to operate with candor and truthfulness in our relations and communications, to avoid socially unacceptable behavior and to ensure maximum protection of the environment in the conduct of our business. We expect that the company is managed according to the principles set out in this Code and that everyone, from the management team to each employee, are obliged to respect them. Our Code of Ethics contains rules regarding individual responsibilities and category, the environment as well as to employees, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders.


Each of us must read and comply with this Code of Ethics and to adhere to what is prescribed in this and any subsequent amendments. Failure to comply may result in civil and criminal liability borne by the employee in question, which could also be subject to disciplinary measures. We place additional responsibilities on the management who must prove by its actions, the importance dell'attenersi rules, to lead by example and to be available to employees who have ethical questions to ask or who wish to report possible violations . Waivers of the Code may be granted in individual cases but only in exceptional circumstances and authorized by the properties of FIS & DM SRL. Each of us is required to report to his superior behavior that we believe, in good faith, contrary to law or the Code of Conduct. If your manager is involved in the affair, or was unable or unwilling to properly manage the problem, we must report the case to the ownership of the company.


FIS & DM SRL. respects and abides by all laws and regulations applicable to its business. And 'responsibility of every employee who works for FIS & DM SRL. to comply with these laws and consequently to seek timely advice regarding the legal requirements and other legal issues. By the nature of its business FIS & DM SRL is to organize and manage events in an international context, employees engaged in operations abroad are required to know and comply with all the regulations applicable to the various national and international cases.


In order to protect human rights and to promote fair terms of employment, safety in the workplace, the responsible management of environmental issues and high ethical standards, our Code of Ethics should be applied in the design and delivery of services FIS & DM SRL. Wherever work for FIS & DM SRL. must see their fundamental human rights respected, and not suffer any physical or psychological distress because of their work. We recommend that all our employees are free to peacefully and lawfully to associations of their choice, and they have the right to collective bargaining when it is applicable. FIS & DM SRL. does not accept, and obviously does not pursue, child labor. No employee shall be discriminated against because of their race, color, sex, sexual preference, marital status, pregnancy, maternity or paternity, religion, political opinion, nationality, ethnic or social origin, social status, disability, age, union membership, and etc. Every employee should know the terms and conditions of their employment base. The top priority must always be given to the workers' health and safety in the workplace even when, by the nature of the services provided and temporarily exercised abroad. This applies to every aspect of working conditions, including the level of noise, temperature, ventilation, lighting, and the quality and access to sanitation. Our suppliers and their subcontractors are required to comply with our Code of Conduct and to verify compliance.


The environment is important for us and for our stakeholders and therefore FIS & DM SRL is dedicated to minimizing its environmental impact. The objectives for the environment are:

  • Minimizing the impact on nature and local culture and respect the limitations of the destination
  • Implement a tourism support in the best possible way the local economy.
  • Designing tourist services that work actively to protect the environment and the preservation of natural and cultural heritage of the destination.
  • Promoting a high quality tourism, ethical and fair trade that promotes the joy of discovery, cultural exchange, knowledge and respect of the people visited.

FIS & DM SRL. is also committed to:

  • Improving environmental awareness of all employees
  • Continuously improve our environmental performance
  • Respect or exceed the requirements of environmental legislation
  • Reduce energy consumption in the workplace
  • Reduce waste of resources unjustified
  • Work with suppliers to avoid environmental risks

Employees are required to tackle environmental issues in a professional manner, but also to help FIS & DM SRL. to develop and exploit the opportunities of the economic sector to help create a more sustainable society.


And 'the duty of all employees protect confidential and proprietary information of FIS & DM SRL. and those of its customers and suppliers Employees FIS & DM SRL. have access to information owned by the company, and sometimes even to those third parties. Such information may be financial information, marketing and promotional programs, technical information, information about employees and customers, and other types of information. Access, use and disclosure of such information without authorization could damage FIS & DM SRL. or the third party, so employees are denied access, use or disclosure of such information without proper authorization. If the employee is not certain if authorized, is obliged to seek clarification. Every employee FIS & DM SRL. and staff for FIS & DM SRL. served in any form and title is required to:

  • not to disclose that information to anyone LHRA has not made public, except in:
    • persons working for FIS & DM SRL. have access in the course of their work to the kind of information in question and have good reason to have them;
    • other persons authorized by FIS & DM SRL. to receive them;
    • persons to whom such information shall be transmitted in accordance with the tasks carried out.
  • not to access, not duplicate, reproduce and do not use, either directly or indirectly, of proprietary information, except in the context of the tasks and jobs for FIS & DM SRL.
  • coming to know of a use or unlawful processing of confidential information, promptly report the fact to the manager or the property company;
  • not store information FIS & DM SRL. on private computers.


The company carries out, among its activities, to SEARCH and support of Infection Control and Hygiene in both public and private entities in the review of its business model and in the search for new markets. For this activity FIS & DM SRL is naturally paid and the forms in which this happens can be different and function of contracting any signed..

  • Activities of manufacture of medical devices conform to 93/42.
  • The employee has the obligation of professional updating.
  • He must constantly treat their professional preparation, storing it and literally grow.
  • Jointly with colleagues that year took office or delegation in organization FIS & DM SRL, must develop a dialectical relationship with the working group expressed by the quality system and management adopted of which it is an active part.
  • This dialectical relationship must be designed to protect the balance business work, economic, equity, also at understanding and stimulating the coherences between mission and statutory purposes FIS & DM SRL.
  • The employee must base relations with colleagues with respect, a spirit of cooperation, loyalty and solidarity.
  • He is also required to cooperate with the greatest sense of responsibility with other external bodies: buyers, suppliers, consultants or entities.
  • The employee has a duty to refuse assignments in competition, similar even in minimal connections.
  • In any case can not hold positions exorbitant compared to their potential technical and organizational possibilities.

FIS & DM SRL aims to be a responsible member of the economic and social reality in which it operates. This requires all of us to be sensitive to social and environmental issues and to provide appropriate and accurate responses to questions submitted by stakeholders, it is important to behave in a socially and ethically responsible. Is fundamental and essential that the image that each of us by FIS & DM SRL is always associated with respect for human rights, fair and safe working conditions, and practices compatible with the environment.