The FIS&DM S.r.l. is a company focused on scientific research.
It is based in Terni, Umbria, central Italy. Its building is comprised of one area designed for offices and an other for fixtures and fittings. The plant is certified and authorised for the production of medical devices by the Italian Notified Body Istituto Superiore di Sanità.
Every item made by FIS&DM S.r.l is produced in its plant. A specialised team looks after all aspects regarding the manufacturing process as well as marketing activity in a system that deals with brand registration, certification of production, the introduction to the market up to the costumer service.
The company operates in the Italian and international Pharmaco-chemical field offering specific products for Disinfection and cold chemical Sterilisation, for manual as well as automatic use.
FIS&DM’ s activity started 15 years ago when the owner, after long experience in disinfectant and medical device marketing, decided to carry out some medical-scientific research into organic chemistry. Aware of the lack of specific studies in this field, he went to the United States to make new molecular synthesis which opened up new prospective for improvement in health care. Using the most innovative and technologically advanced equipment available in the American laboratories, he succeeded in his project making solution with antiviral properties for sanitary disinfection and Endoscopic reprocessing.
Our knowledge is based on experience and research conducted many years in collaboration with medical staff and the most renowned Italian Universities such as: Università degli studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, Centro retrovirus Dipartimento di Patologia Sperimentale dell’Università Sant’Anna di Pisa, Università degli studi de L’Aquila, Università Cattolica del “Sacro Cuore” di Roma, CNR Assing Italia.
We are working together on specific projects, promoting update studies and Mission of FIS&DM S.r.l. is to develop advanced chemical research offering innovative, ready to use, reliable, fast and effective solutions for high level disinfection and sterilisation of the most sensitive and sophisticated equipment such as those of the latest generation made of optical fibre. We work to satisfy the safety needs of operators and patients providing a product that can inactivate any viruses, and besides, can prevent viral reproduction. We pay attention to the compatibility of our preparations with the materials of all devices and systems used for medical surgical procedures, presenting a highly competitive product able to improve the prevention and the protection of the health care.
FIS&DM S.r.l. provides products certified by the Italian Notified Body Istituto Superiore di Sanità with CE0373 mark.
All products are microbiologically tested in order to reduce any risk connected with the transmission of pathogen organisms. The company offers a wide range of products in the following fields for the following applications: endoscopy reprocessing, surgical and medical. Is available a wide range of solutions in order to meet every market demand as environmental cleaning, high level cleaning-disinfectant and cold chemical sterilant for optical fibre equipment. Our solutions are updated with highly advanced technology, made according to safe and reliable techniques in order to improve the quality and the effectiveness of sterilisation and disinfection process.